Butterfly Project

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Scatter the Fire-Soul 20, Private collection

This is the soul painting that's been in my soul for many years now. It had a hard time coming out or being born.
It's the story of how the stars got into the heavens. The ancestor fathers are dancing around a nighttime fire scattering the embers and these embers waft gently upward to become the night time stars. The ancestor mothers sit nearby making sure that the fathers are doing it right! This painting was done to the song "Scatter the Fire" by Ladysmith Black Mambazo. In the natural, the night sky in this painting is a midnight blue going to a deep purple on the horizon. It just didn't photograph well.


Unknown said...

This is so cool!

Angela said...

I'm glad your liking the soul paintings.

Unknown said...

I love 'em. They are the type of paintings that when I see them I can also feel them. They touch my soul.

Unknown said...

This reminded me of Africa, before I got to the part that you were listening to the Lady. Very much African, I miss Africa so much sometimes, it makes my heart hurt.