It would seem that left unbridled, my mind slips on over to the ' Pop Art" side of the creative world. I say this because this painting happened all on it's own. No plan just threw a gessoed board up on the easel and started painting. No plan, no thoughts, just music and me. It's really quite beautiful in it's own right I suppose. It does seem to represent ( I hope ) a peaceful mind! :) Not too sure about that flower being in the mouth of that venus fly trap type plant thing though, what's that all about?????
It's also quite feminine too. I suppose it reveals a lot about me. The strange thing is that the color choices are not my usual yellow based colors that I prefer. It all just kinda happened one shape morphed into the next, one color called to the next. Before I knew it, this painting had literally painted itself.
I want to thank my friend Deb who stopped by the Gallery to watch the shop so I could just create without interruption, thanks Deb!
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