this first painting is a completed work done by my friend Lyn. She did a few minor adjustments to it and them the Ta-DA moment, she signed it!

This is another painting that Lyn is currently working on. It's her ministers hands all aglow with the spirit. I believe she is going to put in stained glass windows in the wall in the background. At least that was the plan when she left yesterday.

This is the painting that I was working on it's the, Isle of Skye, Scotland. To the left are sunbeams streaming through the clouds but it didn't photograph well. I will continue to work on this one. It's in request for Deb who wanted a painting done in the Scottish highlands where the fairies play in the mist. Well, this painting has the mist burned off by the rising sun over the craggy clifts. The Fairies have fled into the Loch to the left and the surroundings craigs.
I love having friends over to paint. You just never know what will be produced or imagined.
Hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving .
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