This week has been a rather tough week on my back. I injured it and find it rather difficult to either sit or lie down cause I can't get back up. So, that leaves a lot of standing, and where better to stand than in front of the easel! This first little painting is 8"x16" oil on canvas entitled, Mountain Meadow". Lots of meadow flowers.

This next painting I call" High Plains". It's 12"x24" oil on Masonite board. I just love these colors and the fence line in front with the row of shrubs along the back. I think this one is my favorite of the two.
I may produce a lot more of these little landscapes while my back is out. Standing at the easel is not half bad at that.
Give me some ideas, what would you like to see me paint?
These are beautiful!
How about a desert landscape?
wow, A desert huh? I wonder if I can do that? I will see if I can get inspired for that one. Only way to find out is to try, right?
How about the red rock sandstones of the southwest.
Or, the valleys in Wales and Ireland where the morning mist hides the meadow fairies who are busy scurrying around until the mist burns off.
Ya, morning mist, I should practice that. Of course the mist does hide the fairies.
Lovely! Keep it up!
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