Completing the series in the hot drinks is "Hot Chocolate".
These little paintings were all just for fun and mainly for teaching purposes. This last one was toned in red on an 8"x10" canvas so that the red of the mug could show through. If you look close you can still see the red toning through the creamy top. Also on top of this cup of Cocoa is chocolate curls so that the viewer knows they are looking at Hot Chocolate. Or, at least gets a hint ;)
The top background I chose dark to make the creamy top stand out. It's a Thalo blue/green. The bottom half was yellow over the red toning then burnt sienna finally with a bit of the thalo to darken the shadowing under the base of the cup for consistencies sake. I might have had to use a touch of black there too just to get the darkness in . A stroke of white or two for highlites on the handle and rim. The cup itself is also actually two reds, cad red med, and cad red light. Burnt Sienna toned through out on the cup body with the reds too. Just to tone it done a bit or it would be too bright a red. As you can see the top is just white mashed in this way and that to represent cream and then the brown is just place here and there for the chocolate around the edges , finally topped with the chocolate curls. The curls are tow toned brown and black for depth. Just double load your small flat angled shade brush for this little one stroke curl.
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