Today I did two paintings, this one entitled simply, "The Rooster". I have been experimenting with a new technique and have really enjoyed it. I never know what the painting is going to be, I don't attack the canvass knowing, "I think I'll paint such and so..." This type of painting happens after I apply some gel medium and paint and smooszh it around some with knives. Yes, that is a technical term "Smooszh." I lay a color or two down and while it's drying the images I see while walking around the table and canvas become clear. This time it was a rooster.

All three of these canvases have a 1 1/2 inch gallery wrap on the sides. The Seagulls are an 8"x8", the Rooster is a 16"x16" and the Orioles are an 8"x16".
Birds, Birds, Birds....!!!!!
By the way, the "Rooster" has SOLD!
I love Roosters, please tell me more about this painting.
Bobbi, this painting sold tonight already! It just appeared on the canvas when I used the knives to apply color. I am really enjoying a new technique of late. Keep watching to see what else appears.
Hi Angela,
This blog is great. Love the art! Great use of paints colors and textures, Your work is oustanding!!! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful blog...Keep Blogging.!!
Your photo on canvas
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