Recently I signed on to take an ecourse with a few other fellow artists. This course has had us marking our canvases and moving through some yoga and meditations. I say marking, meaning making random marks onto the canvas with odd bits of tools and brushes, even my fingers. Staining or tinting the canvas with translucent paint colors also has been an interesting technique.
We have also been instructed to journal our surroundings in sketch form, and then transferring, if we wish, those images onto the canvas. When we do this all the beautiful marks that have gone on before, show through the imagery. One of the images I had sketched onto this canvas was a huge bubble with smaller bubbles in it.When I stepped back and looked at the other marks coming through they had all come together to form a face. So, that is what is happening here. Obviously more work remains to be done, but you begin to get the idea?
On this canvas I have the hands of God supporting what represents Me, the flower image. If you turn the canvas upside down, you get a peacock! Which one will I pull out.....?