This weeks selection is very, shall we say, very much the reason for the title of my blog Pick My Brains Art. You really get to see that quite a lot goes on in there left to it's own devices.Okay, first up is Feeding Time, an 18"x24"x1 1/2" acrylic on canvas. Koi swimming about at feeding tie done in the Flora Bowely style of art where extra markings start the canvas and then imagery takes over.This piece was also painted mostly with my fingers as instead of brushes in most instances.

Next here we have The Balcony, 16"x20" acrylic on canvas. She is of mixed media and was formed from palette colors applied to my canvas and spritzed and let dry. I go back later and see if an image appears to me. This is one of my ways of painting that brings me personal great joy and a use for paint not used in a previous painting. I just put up a new canvas when finished and apply the unused paints to the new canvas, spritz, hang to dry, and then it may be ready to work on next day or so. She came out with water color crayon on acrylic paints. I painted her in, well, what wasn't already there to start with, and added some finishing touches.
I call this one The Story because everyone sees something different going on here than what I had intended when i painted it. Rather that force my vision onto you I'll just let you see what you want to see and let this painting tell it's own story to you.
Again, this painting started off as a palette of mixed colors added to a blank canvas, spritzed and let dry. The Story told itself.. 16"x20" acrylic on canvas.
The Wise-men, 12"x16". acrylic on canvas. three, for lack of a better term, wise-men in the middle a camel on the left and a praying angel on the right make up this painting.
There you have it folks, week two of recovery from spinal fusion. Interesting to say the least. I wonder what week three will hold?